Current step:1

Deviation of the rocket from the vertical position by 5° or more at launch leads to its inevitable fall.

It is strongly recommended that you describe each item in as much detail and honesty as possible.

Contact details

Information about your business

If you find any of the questions in the questionnaire difficult, please ask us for clarification or simply skip them. We will fill in the gaps in the questionnaire during the conversation.

It is best to specify the working hours of your company. For example, PN-PT 8:00-20:00, Sat-WS 9:00-15:00

Specify the full list of products/services you want to advertise

It is best to specify the working hours of your company. For example, PN-PT 8:00-20:00, Sat-WS 9:00-15:00

For example, a company sells soft roofing but does not provide installation. But users can enter such queries: "installation of soft roofing, installation of soft roofing". Consequently, the words "installation and installation" will be attributed to minus words and these users will not be shown advertising.

List at least 3 benefits of your company. This data will be used to create ad texts, which will allow you to stand out from your competitors. Here you should not specify general phrases (low prices, high quality, etc.). As practice shows, these phrases only reduce the clickability of ads. Example of advantages: Juicers from 3,250 rubles; When ordering from 10,000 rubles. - Free delivery; Installation free of charge, etc.


If you find any of the questions in the questionnaire difficult, please ask us for clarification or simply skip them. We will fill in the gaps in the questionnaire during the conversation.

If you use this tool for analysis, please provide the meter number and full access.

If you use this tool for analysis, please provide the meter number and full access.

Last question

Please write additional information that you think is important to better customize your ad campaigns.