Current step:1

For a clearer definition of the goals of the future site, we kindly ask you to fill out the questionnaire in as much detail as possible. This will help us to see the most accurate picture of the project, promptly determine prices and terms of realization.

Contact details

General information

If you find any of the questions in the questionnaire difficult, please ask us for clarification or simply skip them. We will fill in the gaps in the questionnaire during the conversation.

How do you feel most comfortable conducting work meetings?

About product / brand / service

If you find any of the questions in the questionnaire difficult, please ask us for clarification or simply skip them. We will fill in the gaps in the questionnaire during the conversation.

Problem statement

If you find any of the questions in the questionnaire difficult, please ask us for clarification or simply skip them. We will fill in the gaps in the questionnaire during the conversation.

Give your assessment of their sites (work on the Internet in general), note their positive and negative sides. Name the most successful example of positioning on the Internet among your competitors.

Project content

If you find any of the questions in the questionnaire difficult, please ask us for clarification or simply skip them. We will fill in the gaps in the questionnaire during the conversation.

Are foreign versions of the site expected to be published?
Who prepares informational materials for the website?
From 1 to 5 rate the current degree of readiness of the information, where 0 is not at all ready and 5 is all ready!
Is a photo shoot necessary?
Есть ли необходимость в редактуре текстов и написании текстов с нуля?

Site Support

If you find any of the questions in the questionnaire difficult, please ask us for clarification or simply skip them. We will fill in the gaps in the questionnaire during the conversation.

What are some ways to provide technical and design support for an existing website?
Is further support required from the developer?

Defining visual style

If you find any of the questions in the questionnaire difficult, please ask us for clarification or simply skip them. We will fill in the gaps in the questionnaire during the conversation.

Does your company have a corporate identity, logo, promotional materials? If not, is development required?

Describe gender, age, status, hobbies and interests.

Website Promotion

If you find any of the questions in the questionnaire difficult, please ask us for clarification or simply skip them. We will fill in the gaps in the questionnaire during the conversation.

Is interaction between the site and other advertising media preferred?

Specify the keywords for which you plan to promote.


One last block and that's it! Thank you for your patience!

If necessary, attach additional materials to the brief.