Current step:1

Deviation of the rocket from the vertical position by 5° or more at launch leads to its inevitable fall.

It is strongly recommended that you describe each item in as much detail and honesty as possible.

Contact details

Your product (product or service)

If you find any of the questions in the questionnaire difficult, please ask us for clarification or simply skip them. We will fill in the gaps in the questionnaire during the conversation.

Your company

If you find any of the questions in the questionnaire difficult, please ask us for clarification or simply skip them. We will fill in the gaps in the questionnaire during the conversation.

Clients, experience and portfolio

If you find any of the questions in the questionnaire difficult, please ask us for clarification or simply skip them. We will fill in the gaps in the questionnaire during the conversation.

Service and conditions

If you find any of the questions in the questionnaire difficult, please ask us for clarification or simply skip them. We will fill in the gaps in the questionnaire during the conversation.

Details and trivia

If you find any of the questions in the questionnaire difficult, please ask us for clarification or simply skip them. We will fill in the gaps in the questionnaire during the conversation.


Add anything here that wasn't in the survey but you think it's relevant information.

P.S. Attach any material you have about the company to the questionnaire.

Logo, office photo, employee photos, media articles about you, articles about your product, certificates, testimonials on letterheads, certificates, and anything else you deem necessary and useful for us.