Working conditions under budget

less than 3k USD

monthly advertising budget
Yandex Direct
Google Adwords
Cost of creating a campaign
400 USD
400 USD
Cost of campaign support (per month)
400 USD
400 USD
Number of keywords
up to 5,000
up to 5,000
Creation period
5-7 days
5-7 days
Setting up analytics systems
Post-launch support of advertising campaigns
20 days
20 days

Additionally, you get:

  • Monthly search engine report

  • Setting up dynamic Retargeting & Remarketing for e-commerce projects

Working conditions under budget

more than 3k USD

monthly advertising budget
Yandex Direct
Google Adwords
Cost of creating a campaign
It's free
It's free
Cost of campaign support (per month)
but not less than 300 USD
but not less than 300 USD

Additionally, you get:

  • Possibility of payment for the completed KPI by individual agreement
  • Drafting and approval of the media plan for the month
  • Drafting and approval of the strategy for the development of advertising campaigns for the quarter
  • Initial analysis of competitors before launching campaigns
  • Monthly report by individual agreement
  • Setting up dynamic Retargeting/Remarketing for e-commerce projects


from $1000 per advertising channel


contract from 3 months


we can work according to KPIs

Not enough information to make a decision?

Leave a request and our managers will contact you within 1 hour.

Please be careful when entering your phone number.

or call one of our offices

The brief helps us prepare for the customization work contextual advertisingand make it the best it can be for you.

Filling time - 5 minutes

Contextual advertising projects (15)