Landing Page is no longer a novelty in internet marketing

Landing Page is no longer a novelty in internet marketing

Formed methodology of creating this type of pages in different markets, allows you to use this tool for almost any business.


Shorter lead times compared to standard web development.


The average conversion rate is higher than a typical website or online store.


Low development cost without sacrificing efficiency for the business.


The level of technology allows you to create complex elements (calculator, payment, etc.).

Why choose us

Based on the following 5 points, you will definitely not make a mistake in choosing a reliable contractor

Marketing part

Preparation before starting work is one of the most important stages. It is necessary to assess the general state of Internet marketing of the client, to determine the goals and objectives, target audiences of users for which the future landing page is intended, to study the competitive environment and the activities of colleagues, to analyze the proposals in the market and develop a unique for your business.


Meaningful part

It is necessary to highlight all the advantages of the business, to find points of differentiation from competitors, to create elements responsible for trust in the brand, to present all the information in clear language, to arrange the blocks on the page in the right sequence, highlighting only the really important.


Creative part

When developing a design, you need to take into account the context of the topic. For a company selling metal excessive creativity will play only to the detriment. The site should be conservative enough. And on the contrary, for the host of holidays landing page should not be dull and impersonal. Design should induce a targeted action - to buy, leave a request, subscribe....


Technical part

Good landing pages should meet all the standards of the web development industry:

  • Direct and non-sprawling layout on all browsers;
  • high download speed;
  • Correct display on all devices, from widescreen monitors to mobile devices;
  • all elements of the site should work exactly as the user expects.

Performance approach

Readiness of the agency to take on the whole complex of Internet marketing, not a separate tool, thus to analyze and optimize all client's communications on the Internet, to be responsible for the final result, not intermediate KPI.

Work algorithm

A list of 6 steps that your project will progress through


Provide a detailed briefing, setting project objectives.


Conduct analytics on target audiences and competitors.


Create a structure and write texts for the future landing page.


We develop a clean and modern design.

Layout, programming

Turning all the previous steps into a website that works as required by quality standards.


We customize the necessary integrations, test for bugs.

Landing page projects (11)

Cost of services and working conditions

  • Business and market supply analysis
  • Competitive intelligence
  • Creating portraits of target audiences
Analytics and integrations
  • Installation of Yandex.Metric and Google Analytics counters
  • Setting up goal tracking on the website
  • Connection and integration with Call tracking system
  • Installing the online consultant

  • Integration with online payment systems
  • Creating a prototype of the site
  • Copywriting of texts
  • Design development
  • Cross-browser, adaptive and cross-platform layout
  • Interactive elements
  • CMS (website management system)
  • Purchase of domain and free hosting for 1 year
  • Creation of corporate mail
Bonus: Discount 30% for contextual advertising setup

Development cost

700 USD

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The brief helps us prepare for development landing pageand perform the task to the best of my ability.

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