
Practicing a complete responsible medical approach, we take care of your beauty from the inside out and reduce your biological age by 15-20 years.


Soliciting applications for cosmetology services.
We divided the work on the advertising campaign into several main stages.

Creating a portrait of the target audience

What was done

  • Several groups of CA were identified
  • Sparsely packed auditoriums
  • Set the necessary settings for targenting

How the lists were formed

  • Subscribers of communities with similar themes
  • Audience of interest
  • General audience (age, geographical location)

List generation

Setting up retargeting and look-a-like audiences

What was done

  • Installed a pixel on the site
  • Gathered an audience
  • Based on the retargeting data, created a similar audience

What was done

  • Created graphic banners

  • Prepared texts of advertisements
    and coordinated with the customer
  • Worked out UTM tags for each ad

Creating announcements

Optimization of advertising campaigns

What was done

  • Rate adjustments
  • Disabling ineffective audiences and ads
  • Reallocating budget to effective audiences

Analyzing and studying competitors

Examining current community indicators

  • number of users;
  • coverage;
  • activity;
  • engagement;
  • the number of clicks to the site;
  • the number of calls from potential customers.

Analyze competitors

  • Collect a list of the main competitors (direct and indirect);
  • analyze the tools and approaches used by competitors;
  • studying the statistics of competing communities.

Strategy implementation and adjustment



147+ bids at $1.05 each with a conversion of 56%

After 2 weeks.

cost per application